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Assessment Calendars

The Assessment Calendars page pulls together the different formats available of important dates, related to state assessments, that have been created by OEAA. The formats available are excel, pdf, and google calendars. The dates are the same across each format, but some do have more detail than others. The high school assessments, PSAT for grades 9 and 10, and the MME (SAT with Essay, WorkKeys, and M-STEP) do have different combinations of the assessments, which can be helpful based on an assessment coordinator's responsibilities.


Summative Testing Schedule - Current Year Excel dates
2025-2027 Summative
Testing Schedule

Excel Date File
(Includes all Assessments)
Updated 11/13/2024

Updated for 2023-2024 School Year

Grade Levels Important Dates (pdf) Google Calendar (Link) Date Last Revised
K-12 All Assessments 11/13/2024
K-2 Early Literacy and Mathematics Benchmark (K-2) pdf Early Literacy and Mathematics Benchmark (K-2) 07/30/2024
3-8, 11 MI-Access FI, P, and SI pdf MI-Access FI, P, and SI 10/03/2024
3-8, 11 M-STEP pdf M-STEP 02/19/2025
8, 9, 10 PSAT pdf PSAT
Includes: PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10
11 SAT pdf SAT 02/19/2025

WIDA for English Learners pdf

WIDA for English Learners
Includes: WIDA ACCESS, WIDA Alternate ACCESS, WIDA Screener, 2022/2023
11 ACT WorkKeys pdf ACT WorkKeys 02/19/2025



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