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Michigan Career Development Model

Image of 6 students in different careers.

Michigan Career Development Model

Picture of cover page of MCDM

MCDM Reference Guide

The Michigan Career Development Model (MCDM) is a framework, guided by legislation, that engages school communities, students, and their support networks in intentional and meaningful career awareness, exploration, and preparation for all students.  

The MCDM Reference Guide is a one-stop resource to assist districts in career development implementation.

MCDM Resources


#GoOpen Michigan is a community of educators and learners who access and contribute free, openly licensed, high-quality digital resources to enable equitable transformative learning experiences. 


The Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process (MICIP) is a pathway for districts to improve student outcomes by assessing whole child needs to develop plans and coordinate funding.


The MiStrategyBank (MSB) is an electronic clearinghouse of strategies designed to connect educational data systems, promote and support best practices, and provide information regarding the implementation of strategies in use to support Michigan’s education system.