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Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS)

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The Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS) is an evidence-based, data-driven decision-making process that can be leveraged as part of a district’s secondary Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework. Within the process, schools use a continuum of tiered supports for students (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3), each with demonstrated evidence of effectiveness. At Tier 1, schools implement evidence-based practices to support attendance, positive social, emotional, and behavioral well-being, and high course performance for all learners. EWIMS also helps educators systematically identify students who are showing signs that they are at risk of dropping out of school. EWIMS examines the underlying causes of risk, matches student needs to interventions, and monitors student progress and the success of the interventions. Fundamentally EWIMS is an ongoing cycle of examining data and making decisions about supports and interventions to help students get back on track for graduation. For more information, please email

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