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Math in CTE Resources
Topic | Website name | Source | Description |
Balanced Assessment | Assessment Tools in Continuous Improvement | Assessment Tools | This website provides resources and tools explaining how assessment supports a continuous improvement process; because a balanced assessment system helps provide information and data that is needed to implement the continuous improves process and ultimately, improve student achievement. |
Assessment Literacy | Assessment Literacy Standards | Assessment Literacy Standards | This website provides information regarding a common framework to assist K-12 educators, students, families, and policymakers in becoming more knowledgeable about assessment purposes and uses. The standards are intended for long-term use in the field of education, to continually support assessment literate educators. These Standards were endorsed by the MI SBOE in 2016. A full glossary of assessment terms accompanies these standards. |
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Task Force | SAT Task Force | This website of the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA) provides resources and support for administrators, teachers, counselors, students, and parents with implementing the revised SAT and preparing for success. |
Discourse | 3 Strategies for Scaffolding Mathematical Discourse in Your Classroom. (2022). ASCD. | 3 Strategies | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) blog post from Angie Hall and Marc Dembowski discussing scaffolding discourse. |
Family Engagement | Michigan’s Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential webpage | Family Partnerships | This website supports family engagement/partnerships as a collaborative relationship between families, educators, providers, and partners to support and improve the learning, development, and health of every learner. Explore MDE's family engagement definition, the family engagement framework, and family engagement resources. |
Lesson Planning | Math-in-CTE Resources | Southern Regional Education Board | The NRCCTE has moved the compelling results of its scientifically based research study of Math-in-CTE into classroom practice with the Math-in-CTE curriculum integration professional development model. |
Lesson Planning | Math-in-CTE | Maine Department of Education | Math-in-CTE (career and technical education) is a program developed by the National Research Center for Career & Technical Education and intended for implementation in secondary CTE programs. Under this program, secondary CTE teachers, in collaboration with mathematics teachers, completed an established program of associated professional development and jointly prepared Math-in-CTE lessons that were implemented in the CTE classroom. |
Lesson Planning | CTE Instructional Resources, by Career Cluster | Michigan Department of Education | Available educational resources per cluster. This includes more than mathematics. |
Lesson Planning | Introduction to Integrating math into CTE Classrooms | TEALearn | This is the first course in a two-part series. In Part 1, you will learn the relevance and value of teaching math within the context of your CTE curriculum. You will explore examples of embedded math concepts that can be pulled out and enhanced to help students gain confidence in their math abilities. Finally, you will learn the seven essential elements of a math-enhanced CTE lesson as developed by the developed by the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE). |
Lesson Planning | CCSS-CTE Classroom Tasks | Achieve | As states and districts implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), they will need to find ways to ensure the content is both rigorous and engaging for students, particularly in mathematics. |
Lesson Planning | Integrating the Common Core in the CTE Classroom | ACTE Career Tech | The call for integrating academic content into career and technical education (CTE) is getting stronger. As this academic emphasis increases, many CTE programs are now able to offer credit in math as part of their integrated academics programs. |
Lesson Planning | Khan Academy | Khan Academy | Created by experts, Khan Academy’s library of trusted, standards-aligned practice and lessons covers math K-12 through early college, grammar, science, history, AP®, SAT®, and more. It’s all free for learners and teachers. |
Lesson Planning | James Stone PDF | Building academic skills | Building Academic Skills in Context: Testing the Value of Enhanced Math Learning in CTE |
Lesson Planning | Michigan OCTE | Opportunities in Math and CTE full booklet | Opportunities in Math and CTE |
Lesson Planning | Pedagogic Framework | Southern Regional Education Board PDF | The Math-in-CTE Pedagogic Framework: The Seven Elements of a Math-Enhanced CTE Lesson |
Lesson Planning | Idaho Math Resources | Math Modeling Task Libraries | Project Based Instruction, Mathematical Modeling, CTE (Real-World Math) |
Lesson Planning | Math in CTE | Davidson County Schools | The workforce demands for students with technical STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) skills continue to drive our global economy. In an effort to prepare our students to meet these demands, Career and Technical Education (CTE) in Davidson County has implemented various initiatives to provide students the opportunity to excel in the development of these skills. The "Math in CTE" initiative is intended to equip students and further strengthen their technical problem solving and critical thinking skills. |
Lesson Planning | Texas Gateway | Culminating Activity: Integrate Math into an Existing CTE Lesson | As mentioned earlier in this course, integrating math into your CTE course requires considerable planning and collaboration with math teachers and industry partners, but CTE teachers can begin making progress toward integrating math by enhancing individual lesson plans. This culminating activity provides you the opportunity to apply what you have learned in this course to one of your existing CTE lesson plans. |
Lesson Planning | Open Educational Resources | OER Commons | Career and technical education programs introduce students to information and opportunities for their career paths. Vocational and technical programs and certifications ensure students prepare students for gratifying jobs and ready them to take their place in the workforce. |
Lesson Planning | YouTube | Create Engaging Lessons with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide | Learn the tips, tricks, and techniques on how ChatGPT can save you time by helping you build engaging and interactive lessons for your students! |
Growth Mindset | youcubed | | This Stanford Graduate School of Education website features Dr. Jo Boaler, Nomellini & Olivier Professor of Education at Stanford University as co-founders of to give teachers, parents and students the resources and ideas they need to inspire and excite students about mathematics. |
Social-Emotional Learning | Michigan Department of Education | Social Emotional Learning (SEL) | Michigan Department of Education's Social-Emotional Learning webpage, |
Multi-Tiered System of Supports | Michigan Department of Education | Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) | Michigan Department of Education’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) webpage. |
Tutoring | Michigan Department of Education | Targeting Support with Tutoring: A Strategy for Accelerated Learning | Michigan Department of Education’s Targeting Support with Tutoring webpage. |
Tutoring | Scaling Tutoring, a Working Paper | A Blueprint for Scaling Tutoring Across Public Schools | This is a paper discussing tutoring as a powerful tool for accelerated learning. Kraft & Falken (2021) discuss seven design principles identified that characterize highly effective tutoring programs based on the result of a meta-analysis. |