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Law and Public Safety Supplemental and Remote Materials


Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security

43.0100 Public Safety/Protective Services

*please note this list is not exhaustive – it is a small compilation of suggestions as to where to access supplemental CTE materials

If you have a suggestion for a resource you would like added, please forward that information to Candace Vinson at



LAPSEN is a national mentor organization for teachers, with shared resources for members. The group is sending out guidance on collaboration for online learning and there are several free resources available.

FACES is being shared free of charge, with lesson plans and resources.

CT2Learn is offering free access for students and instructors to use the Criminal Justice course materials contained in their Learning Resource Portal (LRP) for the remainder of the school year. The LRP contains hundreds of documents, web links, eLessons, videos and much more. Click on the links to view a sample of the Learning Resource Portal and register using the code FreeLRP2020 to get free access to all of these course materials.