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Self-Monitoring Forms  

The School Nutrition Program (SNP) Sponsor-Level Self-Monitoring, SNP (National School Lunch Program [NSLP] and School Breakfast Program [SBP]) On-Site Review, and Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) School Self-Monitoring Forms (if applicable) must be completed annually by February 1.  

  • SNP (NSLP/SBP) On-Site Review Form: This review form is site-specific. For lunch, one review form is required per site, for all NSLP-participating sites. For breakfast, sponsors only have to review 50% of their SBP-participating sites; the following school year they must monitor the other 50% of sites. Best practice is to complete the on-site form for all SBP-participating sites annually. 
  • FFVP School Self-Monitoring Form: Only sponsors participating in FFVP must complete this form. This form must be completed for all FFVP-participating sites, annually.  

 For those participating in the NSLP Afterschool Snack Program, the NSLP Afterschool Snack Program Self-Monitoring Review Form must be completed two times per school year; the first review must be completed within the first four weeks of operations, and the second review must be completed in the second half of the school year.  

 Self-Monitoring Fundamentals

  • Ensure all fields are filled out at the top of the monitoring forms including the School Name, Agreement Number, Sponsor Employee name, title, and date of observation.  
  • All review questions must be answered: yes, no, or not applicable (N/A). If any questions were answered “no,” a corrective action plan must be made on the last page of the form and include a documented SNP follow-up visit within 45 days acknowledging the compliance issues have been resolved.  
  • The forms must be signed regardless of if there is correction action or not. This includes the Sponsor Reviewer signature and School Site Representative signature, respective titles and dates.  
  • Food Service Management Company (FSMC) Contracts Only: When School Food Authorities (SFAs) contract with a FSMC, the SFA maintains oversight and responsibility for planning, administering, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the school meal programs. With this, the Sponsor Reviewer who completes and signs the Self-Monitoring Forms must be a SFA employee (preferably the FSMC contract overseer). The School Site Representative’s signature may be that of an FSMC employee.  

Sponsors do not need to submit completed Self-Monitoring Forms to MDE unless requested (e.g., during an administrative review). Sponsors must retain records per the Records Retention Requirements for the School Nutrition Programs

Monitoring Forms are reviewed during the Administrative Review (AR) process and validated. Findings are not assigned if the sponsor documented non-compliance in their self-monitoring. Findings are only assigned when forms are incomplete, unsigned, or signed by someone who is not an SFA employee.