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Independent Centers and Sponsors of Centers

Annual Administrative Forms


At-Risk Afterschool Snack & Supper Program 


Center Attendance 




Income Eligibility Information 


Infant Menu Information


Meal Attendance 


Menu Information 

Parent Forms 

Pricing Program

  • Letter of Verification Results
  • Pricing Program - Policy Statement Requirements

Adult Day Service


Sponsor of Centers 


For questions regarding the following forms, please contact your Program Analyst:

(Use this for the following program or when you have combination programming: Child Care - including GSRP and Head Start, Emergency Shelter, At-Risk Afterschool)

(Use this form for the following program or when you have combination programming: Child Care - including GSRP and Head Start, Emergency Shelter, At-Risk Afterschool, Adult Day Services)

(If you have a facility that operates both a childcare program and at-risk program at the same facility then you should NOT use this form)

(Use this form if the site you are reviewing has additional rooms that need to be reviewed as part of your monitoring review)


Prototype Letters