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Spain: Spanish Language Teacher Exchange

Program Overview

In 2015 the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and the Education Office of Spain signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by which individuals with established proficiency may be employed to teach Spanish language and culture in Michigan schools for Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC)credit.

Recruiting Spanish Language Teachers

This collaboration provides schools the opportunity to recruit teachers from Spain to teach Spanish language and culture to Michigan students. With Michigan's focus on world language graduation requirements, internationalizing education and the global economy, this program supports the need for more world language teachers.

School districts interested in hiring teachers from Spain should should contact the Office of Educator Excellence or:

Letter of Support

Under the signed MOU the organization listed above must provide a letter of support for the specific educator(s) that has been identified for employment by a Michigan school. The letter must include the individual(s) name and school(s) of employment. This letter must be received by the MDE - Office of Educator Excellence (OEE) prior to placement in the teaching assignment.

Full-year Basic Substitute Permit

Once the letter of support has been submitted to OEE, the employing school district must apply for a Full-year Basic Substitute Permit for the language and culture teacher. Additional information is available for obtaining a permit. During the application process, the “Foreign MOU” option is selected, thereby waiving all the traditional permit requirements.


The letter of support must be on file with the OEE and the permit paid for and valid prior to employment, placement, or implementation of the program.

A school district may continue to employ the educator under the MOU for up to 3 years. A Full-year Basic Permit must be obtained yearly.