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New Educator Preparation Programs: Application Information and Process

Purpose and Overview of Process

The program review and approval process has two purposes: to provide assurance to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) that state requirements for educator preparation are met, and to demonstrate program efficacy and a commitment to continuous improvement. These purposes are achieved through a two-stage approval process that is used when an approved Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) applies to either add a new program or to revise an existing program to meet new standards.

The two approval stages are summarized below:

Approval Stages

 Initial Approval

Initial approval is granted based on:

  • review of initial application

  • approval of program assessment plan

Once approved, the EPP is required to collect and analyze data using the key assessments, which must include at a minimum Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) pass rate and subarea performance data, over a five-year period to measure candidate achievement of program outcomes, and then to apply for full approval. All program changes, including minor course modifications, must be reported on the request for full approval.

 Full Approval

Full approval is granted based on the review of a progress report demonstrating fulfillment of program outcomes and an analysis of program data, including MTTC pass rate and subarea performance data and detailing any program modifications made based on data analysis over the initial approval period.

Initial approval may be extended if the EPP does not have sufficient evidence to demonstrate program efficacy.

After receiving full approval, ongoing approval will be based on national accreditation of the educator preparation unit and Office of Educator Excellence (OEE) monitoring. EPPs are expected to continue collecting and analyzing data on program efficacy.


New applications may be submitted in November and April of each academic year. The program review fee is $300.00 per application. EPPs will receive an invoice when a completed application is received. Reviews will be conducted once payment is received.

Program application revisions based on OEE review must be submitted within 6 months of the consultant feedback. EPPs not responding within 6 months will be required to re-apply and wait for the next review cycle.

Documentation for full approval must be submitted by June 30 of the academic year in which it is due and will be given first priority for OEE review.

Program Changes

All program changes/modifications must be reported to MDE. Contact the appropriate OEE program consultant with questions pertaining to specific program changes.

Program Applications and Forms

To obtain a new program application or a form to report a program change or modification, please email