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Governor’s Budget Provides Great Opportunity to Support School Children

LANSING – State Superintendent Dr. Michael F. Rice is issuing the following statement on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s fiscal year 2026 executive budget recommendations, which were announced today:

“Children in Michigan schools would benefit substantially from education investments in Gov. Whitmer’s budget. The governor’s recommendations are a strong start to the budget process. At the Michigan Department of Education, we appreciate the governor’s recommendations for investing in per-pupil funding for our classrooms, early literacy instruction, and mental health support for students. Other budget recommendations would provide for important priorities such as greater access to Career and Technical Education, improved school infrastructure, helping economically disadvantaged children be able to afford Advanced Placement courses as more of our children are taking these rigorous courses, and continued support of Grow Your Own programs so that schools can address teacher shortages with educators developed in their local communities. Many of these investments address our department’s legislative priorities for 2025. We look forward to working with Gov. Whitmer and our legislative partners to pass a budget that will improve outcomes for our students.”

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