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Educational Supports
Educational Supports
The Office of Educational Supports (OES) is an Office within the Division of Assessment, School Improvement, and Systems Support (DASISS) within the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). The OES provides support to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs), including Public School Academies (PSAs), to develop and implement programs and services funded with supplementary Federal or State funds to accelerate student achievement through continuous improvement and close achievement gaps for the most at-risk students. Additionally, the OES supports MDE policy development on a range of issues; including research-based strategies to support teaching and learning, equitable educational experiences, supports for school turnaround, coordination of services, and tools for instructional techniques to increase learning.
Mission Statement
To support educators in leveraging assets to meet the needs of all students.
The primary goal of the OES is to support schools in helping all students learn and achieve high standards. Team members work together with a variety of partners to help LEAs implement functional school improvement plans aligned to high standards, improve student performance on both State and local assessments, and target supplementary resources more effectively to support educators in achieving these results. Our vision is that every learner has the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and aspirations to achieve the broadest of their life goals and dreams.
Supplementary Resources
- ARP-ESSER Communities In Schools Competitive Grant Resources
- Indigenous Education
- Michigan Educator Resource Guide for Understanding and Implementing LEA Stability for High School Youth Experiencing Foster Care
- MiFamily: Michigan's Family Engagement Framework
- Title IV, Part A Stronger Connections Grant Program
- Whole Child