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Liquor Licenses for Three West Michigan Businesses Suspended for Violations of Governor's Executive Orders

Media Contact: LARA Communications (517-335-LARA (5272))

September 21, 2020 - The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) has issued emergency suspensions of the liquor licenses held by Michigan businesses in Muskegon Heights, Conklin, and Grand Rapids. Licensees’ multiple violations of Executive Orders include: failure to require six feet of social distancing; failure to require face coverings for staff and patrons; and failure to prohibit patrons from congregating.

The Commission’s legal responsibility and priority is to enforce the governor’s Executive Orders, along with the state Liquor Code and Administrative Rules, to protect public health and safety, and to save lives.

MLCC’s Enforcement team continues working to ensure that licensees are compliant. Any licensed establishment that is in violation of Executive Orders will be held strictly accountable and risk suspension or revocation of its license.

MLCC Commissioners ordered emergency suspensions of the liquor licenses held by:

1)    Broadway Ventures, Inc., d/b/a Odyssey Entertainment, located at 700 E. Broadway Ave., Muskegon Heights. The Commission ordered an emergency suspension of the Class C License on August 26, 2020, pending a hearing on September 4, 2020. Prior to that hearing, on September 3, 2020, the licensee entered into a negotiated settlement which resulted in $750 in fines and an additional 14-day suspension which ended September 17, 2020.  

2)    Baugh Operating, Inc., d/b/a Wright Tavern, located at 18800  8th Ave., Conklin, Wright Township. The Commission ordered an emergency suspension of the Class C/SDM licenses on September 9, 2020. A hearing is scheduled for September 21, 2020 to determine whether this summary suspension should continue, or other fines and penalties should be imposed.

3)    Donald Wasker, Inc., d/b/a Flamingo Lounge, located at 930 Bridge St. NW, Grand Rapids. The Commission ordered an emergency suspension of the Class C/SDM licenses on September 15, 2020. A hearing is scheduled for September 25, 2020 to determine whether this summary suspension should continue, or other fines and penalties should be imposed.

All licensees must not only comply with Executive Orders, but also local health department orders, and local ordinances regarding reduced occupancy rates and social distancing protocols related to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

The public can report any suspected non-compliance issue at an establishment directly to the MLCC. The MLCC’s Enforcement Division, on behalf of the Commission, investigates all complaints relative to allegations of violations of the Code, Rules and Executive Orders, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic.

The public may file an anonymous complaint with the MLCC Enforcement Division online or by calling the MLCC Enforcement hotline, toll-free, at 866-893-2121.

MLCC’s Reopening Resources webpage provides information on indoor service restrictions, face mask requirements, posters, Frequently Asked Questions, and reopening guidelines for restaurants and bars from MIOSHA and trade associations that includes best practices and a reopening checklist.

It is the mission of the MLCC to make alcoholic beverages available for consumption while protecting the consumer and the general public through the regulation of those involved in the importation, sale, consumption, distribution, and delivery of these alcohol products.

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