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Private Security Guard Sole Proprietor License Renewal

Renewal:  Apply for a renewal if your active license is about to expire and you wish to continue licensure.

License Renewal Information

  • In order to consider an application complete and to avoid delay of processing, the following documents must be uploaded as part of the application: 

    • Submit a “Security Guard Sole Proprietor Renewal” in MiCLEAR.
    • Submit a Certificate of Doing Business As ("DBA") from the County Clerk in which the business is located.
    • Select any branch licenses you would like to renew at the same time, if applicable.
    • Submit a surety bond or certificate of insurance pursuant to MCL 338.1059(4).
    • Submit all outstanding Employee Rosters pursuant to MCL 338.1067(3). The form can be found here.



  • Security Guard Sole Proprietor Renewal Fee                    $100

    Security Guard Sole Proprietor Branch Renewal Fee     $50 each (if applicable)

    • Your license expires on the date printed on your license.  There is a 30-day late renewal period for you to submit a renewal application; however, during this time your license will be lapsed-in late renewal.
    • A renewal reminder will be mailed to the address on file with the Department 60 days before the expiration date. Reminders will also be emailed to the email address on file with the Department 60 and 30 days before the license expires.
  • There is a $25 late fee in addition to the renewal fee.  

  • Every 2 years at the end of the month of issuance of the initial license.