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Private Security Guard Sole Proprietor Initial License

Initial License: Apply for an initial license if you want a new license and you have never been issued this license type in Michigan; or the Qualifying Officer & Agency have never held this license type together in Michigan.

Initial License Information

  • Complete a Security Guard Sole Proprietor Application online through MiCLEAR.

    You must have a physical location in Michigan to obtain a Security Guard Sole Proprietor license, pursuant to MCL 338.1058(1)(a).


    • The full name of the Qualifying Officer.
    • The phone number for the Qualifying Officer.
    • The email address for the Qualifying Officer.
    • Must be at least 21 years old.
    • Must have a high school education or its equivalent.
    • Must not be convicted of a felony.
    • Must not have been convicted of an offense listed in MCL 338.1060(1)(c) in the 5-year period preceding the date of application.
    • Must not have been adjudged insane and not restored to sanity by court order.
    • Must meet any of the following requirements listed in MCL 338.1056(1)(g).

    *This list may not be complete.  Please review the statute to determine if you qualify for licensure.

  • In order to consider an application complete and to avoid delay of processing, the following documents must be uploaded as part of the application: 

    • Two passport quality photos of the Qualifying Officer pursuant to MCL 338.1058(2).
    • A Certificate of Doing Business As ("DBA")  from the County Clerk in which the business is located.
    • Approval of County Sheriff or City Chief of Police AND County Prosecuting Attorney where principal office is located pursuant to MCL 338.1057(3). The form can be found here.
    • Affidavit signed by a commanding officer, supervisor, or military superior with direct knowledge of your service and that you have entry-level experience in or basic knowledge of each of the items listed in MCL 338.1056(1)(g)(v), if you are using your experience in the military as a qualification for licensure.
  • Security Guard Sole Proprietor      $200