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Private Security Guard Agency Reinstatement

Reinstatement: Apply for reinstatement if your license is currently suspended.

Reinstatement Information

    • Submit a "License Reinstatement" Application online though MiCLEAR by locating your SUSPENDED 10-digit license number that begins with "3801" under the "Licenses" tab, then clicking directly on the words "Additional Actions". 
    • Answer the following questions on the application:
    • Do you have the ability and will you serve the public in a fair, honest and open manner? If you have had a judgment of guilt in a criminal proceeding or civil action against yourself, are you rehabilitated, or is the substance of your former offense not reasonably related to the occupation or profession for which you are seeking a license?
    • Do you have any unsatisfied penalties and conditions imposed by disciplinary action in this state or any other jurisdiction?
  • You may wish to upload a petition addressed to the Department stating the reasons for reinstatement and include evidence that you can and are likely to serve the public with competence and in conformance with all other requirements prescribed by law or rule.

  • Security Guard Agency Reinstatement Fee     $100