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Rural Health Clinics


Rural Health Clinics may apply for certification to participate in the Medicare/Medicaid programs. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contracts with LARA to evaluate compliance with the federal regulations by conducting certification surveys and complaint investigations.

Rural Health Clinics | CMS

State licensing is not required for Rural Health Clinics. Individual health professionals should check on licensure requirements with the Bureau of Professional Licensing.

Administrator/Leadership Changes

Initial Certification

To voluntarily become a Medicare certified provider, you will need to complete the following steps and submit the paperwork electronically to, unless otherwise noted in the instructions.

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete.
  • An e-mail confirming a successful electronic submission of your Civil Rights Clearance for Medicare Provider Certification from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). *This applies to only provider based clinics.
  • A signed “Health Insurance Benefit Agreement” (CMS-1561A). *When completing the form, please include both the clinic name and the legal provider name.
  • Currently, CMS has prioritized initial surveys as a lower tier work. Following the guidance of the CMS Mission and Priority Document, Michigan is currently not performing initial surveys. A provider can become accredited to obtain certification.
  • Contact Accrediting Organization (AO) to schedule survey. *Once the deeming survey is complete, please ensure the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), Bureau of Survey and Certification (BSC) receives a copy of the survey report and final approval letter from your deeming authority.
  • A completed “Verification of Clinic Data - Rural Health Clinic Program” form (CMS-29 and CMS-30E). If not provided by your accrediting organization.
  • Once all of the above documents have been received your application will be deemed complete and our office will review and forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of the Medicare provider number.
  • Please note, this process can take up to 30-60 days from the day of receipt by the MAC.

Address Change

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to MAC within 90 days of the move.
  • The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete.
  • Submit a completed "Verification of Clinic Data- Rural Health Clinic Program" form (CMS 30E)
  • For deemed providers, please submit the accrediting agency survey report that includes the new site(s).
  • After all of the above documents have been received and deemed complete, our office will add the provider to our survey workload.Once the survey is complete and the provider is found compliant, our office will forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of final approval letter.
  • If you do not receive a final approval notice from the MAC within 90 days of submission, please reach out to for assistance.

Request for Waiver of Staffing Requirements

When a RHC is not able to meet its 50 percent staffing requirement for its nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or certified nurse-midwife, a one-year waiver for the staffing requirement can be obtained from the State Agency.

To apply for a waiver, the following protocol is required.

  • The request must be made in writing.
  • The facility must submit documentation demonstrating that it has been unable, despite reasonable efforts, to hire a physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or certified nurse midwife in the previous 90-day period;
  • The facility is not making the request less than 6 months after the date of the expiration of any previous such waiver for the facility.
  • The request and supporting documentation are to be submitted to
  • The documentation will be reviewed by our office and then forwarded onto the CMS Chicago location for their approval.
  • Once approved, the effective date of the one-year staffing waiver is the 61st day after the date the request is received by the SA.
  • Once the RHC fills the vacant position, please notify our office at

Change of Ownership (CHOW)

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC).
  • The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete.
  • For provider based clinics only, an e-mail confirming a successful electronic submission of your Civil Rights Clearance for Medicare Provider Certification from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
  •  A completed "Verification of Clinic Data - Rural Health Clinic Program" form (CMS-29 and CMS-30E). If not provided by your accrediting organization.
  • A signed "Health Insurance Benefit Agreement" (CMS-1561A)
  • Once the paperwork is complete, BSC will forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of final approval letter.
  • Please note, this process can take up to 30-60 days from the day of receipt by the MAC.

Contact Us

Bureau Phone:  517-284-0193

Bureau Fax Number:  517-763-0214

Help for general questions:

Certification Support email (document submission):