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Community Mental Health Centers


CMHC providers may apply for certification to participate in the Medicare/Medicaid programs.  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contracts with LARA to evaluate compliance with the federal regulations by conducting certification surveys and complaint investigations.

Community Mental Health Centers | CMS

State licensing is not required for CMHC. Individual health professionals should check on licensure requirements with the Bureau of Professional Licensing.

Administrator/Leadership Changes

Initial Certification

To voluntarily become a Medicare certified provider, you will need to complete the following steps and submit the paperwork electronically to, unless otherwise noted in the instructions.

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete.
  • An e-mail confirming a successful electronic submission of your Civil Rights Clearance for Medicare Provider Certification from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
  • A signed Health Insurance Benefit Agreement (CMS-1561).
  • An onsite survey must be completed for initial certification.
  • Currently, CMS has prioritized initial surveys as a lower tier work.  Following the guidance of the CMS Mission and Priority Document, Michigan is currently not performing initial surveys.  CMS does grant exceptions in instances where care deficiencies and accessibility issues for Medicare recipients currently exist.  Providers requesting an exception must submit the following:
    • A document titled Request for Priority Exception
    • Data demonstrating access to care deficiencies in the area where you are going to provide services.
    • Testimonials from physicians and/or facilities attesting to wait times or difficulties having access to care (attach any testimonials),
    • Attest that the number of Medicare Certified Community Mental Health Centers there are in your area are not enough to meet the needs of the population,
    • Demographic information for service area with projected growth for Medicare population.
    • This narrative should include measurable data or citable sources.
  • Once complete, submit the document to for evaluation.
  • If exception request is granted by CMS, the initial survey will be added to the state’s workload.
  • Once the survey is complete and the provider is found compliant, our office will forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of final approval letter.
  • Please note, this process can take up to 30-60 days from the day of receipt by the MAC.

Change of Ownership (CHOW)

  • Complete Provider Enrollment Application (CMS-855A) and submit to Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC). The MAC will provide you a recommendation letter once the initial review is complete.
  • An e-mail confirming a successful electronic submission of your Civil Rights Clearance for Medicare Provider Certification from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
  • A signed Health Insurance Benefit Agreement (CMS-1561).
  • Once the paperwork is complete, our office will forward the packet to the MAC for final determination and issuance of final approval letter.
  • Please note, this process can take up to 30-60 days from the day of receipt by the MAC.

Contact Us

Bureau Phone:  517-284-0193

Bureau Fax Number:  517-763-0214

Help for general questions:

Certification Support email (document submission):