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Storage and Handling of Gaseous and Liquefied Hydrogen


The Storage Tank Division (STD), within the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), has the responsibility of regulating the installation of new gaseous and liquefied hydrogen systems.  The STD also maintains the certification of all regulated hydrogen systems that operate in this state.


The owner/operator plan review/certification of all regulated hydrogen systems.


Act 207 of the Public Acts of 1941, as amended.

Executive Reorganization Order No. 2 of 1998.


Michigan Fire Prevention Code, Section 29.3c of the Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated.

Fire Safety Rules for the Storage and Handling of Gaseous and Liquefied Hydrogen, Sections 29.7001-29.7127 of the Michigan Administrative Code.


1. Applicability

These rules apply to the operation of all gaseous and liquefied hydrogen systems.  A person shall comply with these rules, other applicable state and federal statutes, and rules and regulations promulgated under the statutes.

2. General Requirements

The applicant is required to submit a completed Application for Installation of Hydrogen Storage Systems, Form # BFS5241, a check for $203.00 per container to be reviewed, based on the volume of gaseous storage, measured in SCF, or per container if the hydrogen is liquefied, along with a site plan and installation for review and approval by the STD.

3. Submission Requirements

All data and information requested on the Application for Installation of Hydrogen Storage Systems Form(s).

New hydrogen systems:

A plot plan providing the relevant information such as location of buildings and public roadways/sidewalks, railroad mainlines, overhead power lines, the proposed location of the container(s), property lines and existing UST's, AST's, LPG's and CNG's from both the container and the point of transfer.

A diagram of the proposed hydrogen system, working pressure and material of construction of the container, piping, and flow control devices, compressor size, the capacity and dimensions of the container(s), container appurtenances, a piping diagram showing sizes, valves, pressure relief devices and fittings, control devices, fire protection and crash protection.

4. Procedures for Obtaining Permit or Approval

New Hydrogen Systems:

Applicant submits to the STD central office a completed Application for Installation of Hydrogen Storage Systems, Form # BFS5240, a fee of $ 203.00 for each container to be plan reviewed based on gaseous volume of storage capacity, measured in SCF, or each liquefied container, and provide the additional information required for new hydrogen storage systems plans.

Storage Tank Division Staff will review new installation plans submitted, and issue a plan review report within 30 days from receipt of the submittal.  A copy of the plan review report is transmitted with the approved plans to the applicant, and appropriate district office for their review in preparation for the field inspection.

Upon receipt of the plan review report, the applicant will notify the inspector who will schedule a pre system installation inspection, and a final inspection.  Pursuant to the final inspection, the inspector will certify the new hydrogen system if it is in compliance with the Rules.

Existing Hydrogen System:

Applicant must follow the same steps as outlined in the Procedure for Obtaining a Permit or Approval for a new hydrogen system.

5. Fees

The annual certificate fee is $61.50 per container, based on gaseous volume of storage capacity, measure in SCF, or per liquefied container.

E. Administering Agency

Storage Tank Division
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs  
P.O. Box 30033
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7741
517-335-7211 (phone) (email)