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Michigan BEI Examination

The purpose of the BEI interpreter testing and certification process is to ensure that people working in Michigan and elsewhere as certified American Sign Language (ASL) or English interpreters and transliterators meet the minimum proficiency standards established by their respective states for successfully discharging the responsibilities of a certified interpreter and to provide certification options for Michigan interpreters.

Applicants must pass the Michigan BEI Test of English Proficiency (TEP) before they can schedule the Michigan Board for Evaluation of Interpreters Performance Test (MI BEI I, II, III).  Applicants must pass the BEI I before scheduling the BEI II and must pass the BEI II before scheduling the BEI III. 

Beginning July 7, 2018 if applicants wish to be scheduled for the Test of English Proficiency or any of the BEI Performance exams, applicants must possess an associate’s degree or higher from an accredited institution and provide a copy of their final official transcripts confirming graduation OR provide proof that the applicant has maintained current state or national certification prior to July 7, 2014.

Michigan BEI Examination Application

Michigan BEI Examination Schedule

Michigan BEI Examination Study Guide

Pre-Graduation TEP Approved Procedure