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Ski-Amusement Section

The Bureau of Construction Codes is excited to announce that we will be moving ski areas and amusement operators into our online system, Accela. These programs will go live in our system June 5, 2023. We understand this change comes in the middle of the amusement season and will do everything we can to ease the transition. With Accela, we are pleased to offer electronic applications, renewals, and document uploads to our customers as well as the ability to pay any fees online throughout the year and pull your documents up on demand. More information and training guidelines will be forthcoming as we get closer to the implementation date.

If there are any questions, please send those to: and bureau staff will be happy to assist.


Contact Ski/Amusement Section:  


FAX: 517-241-0130


To verify a Ski/Amusement license, please visit the Check a License



Ski Area Safety Act, 1962 PA 199, as amended, was created to license and regulate ski areas and ski lifts in Michigan. The Ski Area Safety Act defines ski area as an area used for skiing and served by one or more lifts. Ski lifts are defined as a device for transporting persons uphill on skis, or in cars on tracks, or suspended in the air by use of cables, chains, belts, or ropes, and usually supported by trestles or towers with one or more spans.

Ski Area Safety-General Rules (Current)

Applicant Fees





Carnival-Amusement Safety Program was created under 1966 PA 225, as amended. Each year, division staff perform inspections of traveling shows which operate in Michigan, and amusement parks and other fixed locations with rides, to assure compliance with the Act and the rules promulgated. Michigan has approximately 100 permanent locations of amusement rides and approximately 600 locations where transient carnivals operate.

Carnival and Amusement Safety General Rules (Current) 

Applicant Fees

New Rides in Michigan

Transfer, Sale or Alterations to a Ride

Zip Line Guidance

Zip Line and Camps Information