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Community results overview

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) conducted drinking water sampling and testing to support the Flint Infrastructure Improvement Project (FIIP). Water sampling and testing efforts were completed in partnership with the City of Flint and the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).

Drinking water testing was offered to residents in communities with past action level exceedances (ALEs). Drinking water testing provided water quality information on residential tap water. The purpose of drinking water testing was to protect public health and ensure that residents are getting quality drinking water. 

Flint Secondary Water Source Project

Initial water sampling and testing

The table shows the start date of the water blending between Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) and the secondary water source, Genesee County Drain Commissioner (GCDC). Water blending is when water from different sources is mixed. Water blending was needed during the Flint Secondary Water Source Project to ensure that GCDC water, pipes, and other hardware were ready for the back up water supply.

Water samples for this effort were collected after the blend start dates. The initial sampling activities are complete. The summarized data can be found on the Community Data Summary Results page and the All Water Quality Parameters Sample Results page. Individual household results have been mailed to the residents.

Blend Stage Start

Water Blend GLWA/GCDC


August 23, 2021

95% GLWA / 5% GCDC


September 30, 2021

75% GLWA / 25% GCDC


October 11, 2021

50% GLWA / 50% GCDC


October 26, 2021

25% GLWA / 75% GCDC


December 13, 2021

50% GLWA /50% GCDC


January 18, 2022

0% GLWA / 100% GCDC


April 20, 2022

95% GLWA / 5% GCDC


Visit the City of Flint's progress report page for more information.

Follow-up water sampling and testing

Follow-up testing was completed in May 2023. Follow-up testing included five sampling events, which means water samples were collected on five different dates. These tests helped ensure that residents would have quality water following the completion of the Flint Secondary Water Source Project.

The summarized results from follow-up sampling can be seen on the Community Data Summary Results page and the All Water Quality Parameters Sample Results page as data is processed.  Individual household results have been mailed to the residents.

Reports Video


MDHHS recently completed a first review of the results from the initial sampling efforts in the progress report below. MDHHS did not find any apparent changes in the water quality nor changes that may pose public health concerns.

MDHHS has analyzed data from all 13 sampling events and is developing a final report. The final report will summarize all findings from the drinking water testing program. The final report will be posted on this website when available.

Select from the options below to learn about the community's data summary results.