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Taking Action on Flint Water

Flint Vehicle City Sign

Taking Action on Flint Water

The State of Michigan remains committed to supporting the City of Flint as it continues to recover and rebuild. The state provided more than $350 million to Flint, in addition to the $100 million from the federal government - all of which is helping with water quality improvements, pipe replacement, healthcare, food resources, educational resources, job training and creation, and more.


Flint water quality update

Since July 2016, the city of Flint's water system has met state and federal standards for lead in drinking water for 15 consecutive monitoring periods. The latest six-month round of monitoring shows Flint's 90th percentile at 3 parts per billion (ppb), below the requirement of 15 ppb.

Flint has conducted excavations to determine service line material composition at approximately 98 percent of the residential locations.

View the full chart details


Local services, reports, and alternative language resources are available to Flint residents. If you need additional help, have questions, or require assistance, please call United Way 2-1-1.

EPA order required reports

A requirement of the Order is that all reports, sampling results, plans, and other documentation provided under the order be posted on this site

Resident resources

The State of Michigan continues to provide necessary support and resources to Flint residents recovering from the city’s water crisis.

Water resources

Critical clean water resources like bottled water, water filters, and water testing kits are available for free to Flint families.

Testing results

Flint residents who have returned a water testing kit to a water resource site can find their test results on this website.

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