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Flint's water remains stable, continues to meet federal and new stricter state standards

Oct. 2, 2019
EGLE Media Office,, 517-284-9278

FLINT, Mich. -- The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) announced today that the City of Flint's water system has met state and federal standards for three years in a row and is also meeting the new stricter testing rules Michigan announced last year.

Since July 2016, the city of Flint's water system has tested below action levels of the federal Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) during six consecutive monitoring periods. The latest six-month monitoring period from Jan. 1 through June 30 shows that 90 percent of the samples collected are at 3 parts per billion (ppb) for the first liter collected and at 6 ppb under the new, stricter state rule that requires a fifth liter sample to better reflect the impact of lead service lines. 

Third-party independent experts have also confirmed that Flint's water currently tests below actionable levels for lead and copper. Ongoing monitoring by EGLE and the City also confirm that other water quality measures such as residual chlorine and ortho phosphate levels are being effectively managed. 

"Every Michigander deserves safe, clean drinking water," said Eric Oswald, director of EGLE's Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division. "EGLE is committed to protecting the public from lead exposure by working collaboratively with the City of Flint and other communities throughout the state to reduce or eliminate all sources of lead in homes." 

Michigan last year adopted the nation's toughest lead rules for drinking water. The new LCR requires that all lead service lines in the state be removed. Water supplies are required to replace an average of 5 percent of their lead service lines every year for the next 20 years. Starting in 2025, the rule lowers the action level to 12 ppb. 

Flint officials expect to have all the city's remaining lead service lines replaced before the end of the year. 

To help ensure Flint's water quality is maintained, residents are encouraged to use their water to keep fresh water flowing through the distribution system. 

Free water filters and water test kits continue to be available to Flint residents. Free water filters, replacement cartridges and water test kits continue to be available at City Hall.

State taxpayers have provided more than $350 million to Flint, in addition to the $100 million from the federal government. The funding is helping with water quality improvements, pipe replacement, healthcare, nutritional food distribution, educational resources, job training and creation, and more. 

Flint's testing results can be found by visiting Additional information about Michigan's new testing requirements and results statewide can be found at

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