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Student Growth in School Accountability

The Michigan student growth model provides students, parents, educators, and the public with important information about student progress based on performance on statewide student assessments. While assessment-driven achievement data provides a snapshot of student performance and learning levels at a given point in time, the Michigan student growth model measures can provide additional valuable information about how individual students are learning over time while preparing for their future.

What does Michigan use for student growth scores?

Michigan uses a measure called a student growth percentiles, or SGPs, as its growth score. SGPs measure student growth in comparison to other students with similar prior test scores. This helps students, parents, and educators determine if a student's learning is above, near, or below the average of their comparison group. Percentiles range from 1 to 99 and indicate how many scores in the comparison group are below that score. Please see our one-page overview on growth scores (SGPs) for more information.

SGP Overview Thumbnail
Student Growth Score

What measure does Michigan use for student growth targets?

Michigan uses a measure called adequate growth percentiles, or AGPs, for growth targets in school accountability. Growth targets (AGPs) describe the student growth score (SGP) a student needs to achieve to be on-track to reach proficiency. Please see our one-page overview of growth targets (AGPs) for more information

Growth Target Thumbnail
Student Growth Target

How are Michigan student growth scores (SGPs) and growth targets (AGPs) used in school accountability?

Student growth scores (SGPs) and growth targets (AGPs) are used to make school-level growth determinations in the School Index, School Grades, and Parent Dashboard systems. More information on each of these systems are available on the resources page for that system:

Where can student growth reports be viewed?

MI School Data Logo
  • MI School Data (
    • Aggregate student growth reports are publicly available on MI School Data.
    • Student data files containing student-level growth scores (SGPs) and growth targets (AGPs) for students included in a school's accountability are available by login to authorized school users with the appropriate access rights.

OEAA Secure Site Login Image
  • OEAA Secure Site (
    • Student growth reports in the dynamic reports section of the Secure Site are available by login to authorized school users with appropriate access rights.
    • Student data files containing student-level growth scores (SGPs) and growth targets (AGPs) for students tested by the school, district, or ISD are available by login to authorized school users with the appropriate access rights.

Where can I find technical information on student growth scores?

The following technical business rules are available for the calculation methodology used to compute growth scores (SGPs) and growth targets (AGPs).

How are growth scores (SGPs) used in educator evaluations?

Please visit MDE Student Growth for Educator Evaluations for more information on how student growth scores (SGPs) are used in educator evaluations.

Additional Student Growth Information and Resources

Contact Information

  • For more information on how growth scores (SGPs) could be used in educator evaluations, please email the Office of Educator Excellence at
  • For information on how growth scores (SGPs) and growth targets (AGPs) are used in Michigan's school accountability systems, please call 877-560-8378 or email