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Sending Scores Back Program for Shared Educational Entities (SEEs)

Sending Scores Back Program for Shared Educational Entities (SEEs) & Specialized Shared Educational Entities (S2E2s)

The Sending Scores Back Program attributes student accountability to a school in the student's district of residence. Approved applicants have school accountability reporting adjusted to have non-resident students "sent back" to be included in a school within students' resident districts. The Sending Scores Back Program application window for the 2024-25 school year is coming soon! Applications will be available through Monday, January 13, 2025.

To participate in the Sending Scores Back Program, an entity must have status as a Shared Educational Entity (SEE) or Specialized Shared Educational Entity (S2E2) in the EEM. SEE/S2E2 status allows for increased reporting flexibility in the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS). The relationships among consortium/ISD member districts participating in the shared educational services of a SEE/S2E2 are governed by a cooperative agreement.

Expand the sections below to see and understand the different types of shared entities.

Types of Shared Entities

  • Shared School Types


    Shared Educational Entity (SEE) for Reporting

    Allows member districts to report students at a school belonging to another district within a consortium/ISD.

    Shared Educational Entity (SEE) for Accountability and Reporting*

    Allows member districts to report students at a school belonging to another district within a consortium/ISD AND student accountability will be returned to a school in students' resident districts.

    *Must apply annually to maintain status.

  • Shared Classroom Program Types


    Specialized Shared Educational Entity (S2E2) for Reporting Only

    Allows member districts to report students at a classroom program in a school belonging to another district within a consortium/ISD.

    Specialized Shared Educational Entity (S2E2) for Accountability and Reporting*

    Allows member districts to report students at a classroom program in a school belonging to another district within a consortium/ISD AND student accountability is returned to a school in students' resident districts.

    *Must apply annually to maintain status.