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Meet the Buyer: Wayne State PTAC

2023-03-29T09:00:00Z 2023-03-29T12:00:00Z Meet the Buyer: Wayne State PTAC

From the event organizer:

Save the Date! Mark your calendars now to meet with federal, state, and local buyers to promote your capabilities and learn about opportunities for potential contract awards. This event will take place in Detroit and provide you with a unique opportunity to speak directly with government buyers.

1400 Rosa Parks Blvd.

Detroit, Michigan, 48216

Event Date

Start: March 29, 2023 9:00 AM

End: March 29, 2023 12:00 PM

From the event organizer:

Save the Date! Mark your calendars now to meet with federal, state, and local buyers to promote your capabilities and learn about opportunities for potential contract awards. This event will take place in Detroit and provide you with a unique opportunity to speak directly with government buyers.

EVENT DETAILS: Wayne State - Procurement Technical Assistance Center - Meet the Buyer Event (external website)