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Michigan Attorney General Logo


Criminal identity theft occurs when a fraudster is arrested or prosecuted for a crime while using your personally identifiable information. You will need to dispute the criminal charge or conviction in order to clear your name.

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If the fraudster was arrested for a crime while using your personally identifiable information in the state of Michigan

You should contact the law enforcement agency that made the specified arrest. Explain that you are a victim of identity theft.

If you are not sure which agency made the arrest review court records held by the county in which the arrest occurred.

Once the proper law enforcement agency has been identified, you will need to file a report with that agency.

It may be necessary to provide your fingerprints, a photo of yourself, and any documentation you have regarding the fraudulent arrest.

You should ask the law enforcement agency to compare your personally identifiable information to the file information.

If the agency investigation finds that you did not commit the listed crime, you should ask for a letter or police report documenting that finding.

You should keep this document with you at all times.

Be sure to also keep records of any other documentation pertaining to the fraud.

If the fraudster was convicted of a crime while the individual was using your personally identifiable information in the state of Michigan

You should contact the court where the conviction took place to determine what authority handled the prosecution.

After you have obtained the clearance documentation from the arresting police agency, contact the prosecuting authority, and ask the prosecuting authority to assist you with clearing your name in court records.

Contact the Michigan State Police (MSP)

Contact the Michigan State Police (MSP) to have your Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) Information Corrected.

You should send the documentation you received from the arresting agency and from the prosecuting authority to:

Michigan State Police
Criminal Justice Information Center, Criminal Identification Team
P.O. Box 30634
Lansing, MI 48909


If the fraudster was arrested or convicted while using your personally identifiable information in another state

You should contact the state’s agency that is responsible for challenging criminal records and then follow that agency’s instructions.

Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to report identity theft and to obtain a recovery plan. Include as many details as possible.

Make it more difficult for a fraudster to obtain credit in your name. By contacting just one of the three credit reporting agencies (CRAs), the other two will be notified of your fraud alert request. 

Online: Equifax online fraud alert request form (PDF)
Call: 800-525-6285 or 888-766-0008
Write: P.O. Box 740256, Atlanta, GA 30374

Online: Experian online fraud alert request form
Call: 888-397-3742
Write: P.O. Box 4500, Allen, TX 75013

Online: TransUnion online fraud alert request form
Call: 800-680-7289
Write: P.O. Box 2000, Chester, PA 19016

You must request from all three credit reporting agencies: 

Equifax:  Equifax security/credit freeze request form

Experian:  Experian security/credit freeze request form

TransUnion:  TransUnion security/credit freeze request form