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File a Complaint

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Michigan Attorney General Logo

File a Complaint

What You Need to Know Before You File a Complaint

  • Complaints and supporting materials become public records when they are submitted to the Attorney General’s office. This means that under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, some of your materials may be disclosed to anyone who asks for them.
  • Your complaint may be sent to the business you are complaining about, and it may be sent to other governmental agencies for their review.
  • Some complaints may become the subject of civil or criminal cases and may be disclosed as part of a court proceeding.
  • Any information that you give to us will not be sold, rented, or leased.
  • We do not return documents, so make copies of everything that you submit and do NOT submit any original documents.
  • Do not send sensitive personal information, like your social security number or credit card information, unless it is necessary for the investigation of your complaint.
  • If you believe that you must submit sensitive information, then please send the complaint and any attachments by mail and include your name or Attorney General file number if you have one. Never send sensitive personal information in an email.
  • Not all consumer complaints are handled by the Attorney General. By law, many other state and federal agencies assist consumers. Consult the Complaint Directory to find the agency or division that can best help you.

How We Process Your Complaint

When we receive your online complaint, you will be taken to a confirmation screen with your assigned Attorney General file number. The Consumer Protection Team receives thousands of consumer complaints, so it may take a few weeks until your complaint is fully processed.

The Attorney General’s office helps consumers by informally mediating complaints. In many cases, this assistance will help you resolve your problem. However, if our mediation is not successful, the Attorney General cannot act as a private attorney on your behalf.

Our mediation process includes a letter from our Consumer Protection Team to the business or individual identified in your complaint. A copy of your complaint and submitted materials will be included with a request for a response.

We will contact you in writing after we have received a reply. If we do not hear back from the business or individual identified in your complaint within 30 days, we will recontact them regarding your complaint.

In some cases, we may be unable to get any cooperation from the business or individual. If they refuse to respond, we will confirm this to you in writing. You may then want to consider filing suit in Small Claims Court or consulting with a private attorney to review your legal options.

Attorney General Complaints

Complaint Directory

Before filing a complaint, first consult this searchable and filterable directory to find the agency or division that can best help you.

Consumer Complaint

Complaint Print Version

Use this form to file a complaint against a business. A copy of the complaint and submitted materials will be included with a request for a response. Not all consumer complaints are handled by the Attorney General. If we do not handle it, we will forward it on to the appropriate agency.

If you have questions about filing a complaint, please call 517-335-7599. In-state residents can also call 877-765-8388.

Child Support

If the non-custodial parent owes at least $5,000 in child support arrearages, use this form to file a complaint for felony non-support.

If you have any questions about filing a complaint, please call 517-335-7560.

Criminal Complaint

Investigations initiated by the office are only those that are part of the Attorney General’s initiatives, such as clergy abuse, law enforcement, public integrity, human trafficking, and sexual assault.  If your complaint relates to any of these initiatives, you may report an issue using this form.

If you have any questions surrounding the complaint process please call, 313-456-0180.

Elder Abuse and Fraud

Use this form to file a complaint when you know or have reason to believe someone is stealing from or misusing the money or property of an older or vulnerable adult. 

A person is typically considered a vulnerable adult when they need personal care or supervision to accomplish their activities of daily living. 

If you have any questions about filing a complaint, please call 517-335-7560.

Medicaid Fraud

Use this form to file a complaint when you know or have reason to believe that a Medical Provider has billed Medicaid for a service or product that was not delivered to the patient or not delivered as billed, the Medical Provider was not qualified to perform the service billed, or that the service/product delivered was based on a kickback or bribe.

If you have any questions surrounding the complaint process or alternatively, would like to report a complaint, please call the Attorney General Health Care Fraud Division on their statewide hotline at     800-24-ABUSE (800-242-2873).

Nursing Home Exploitation

Nursing Home Staff, if you know or have reason to believe that someone is using a nursing home resident's assets or benefits for purposes other than the care, needs and wishes of the resident, you may report suspected elder or vulnerable adult exploitation to the Attorney General's Health Care Fraud Division using this online complaint system. 

If you have any questions surrounding the complaint process or alternatively, would like to report a complaint, please call the Attorney General Health Care Fraud Division on their statewide hotline at     800-24-ABUSE (800-242-2873).

Patient Abuse

Members of the public may use this form to submit a complaint of abuse or neglect of patients in (1) health care facilities—typically nursing facilities, nursing homes, and hospitals or (2) board and care facilities —including Adult Foster Care (AFC), Homes for the Aged, and Assisted Living facilities. 

Abuse includes both physical and mental harm.  

If you have any questions surrounding the complaint process or alternatively, would like to report a complaint, please call the Attorney General Health Care Fraud Division on their statewide hotline at     800-24-ABUSE (800-242-2873).

Report Illegal Robocalls

Due to the number of illegal robocalls made to Michigan residents, Attorney General Nessel launched the Michigan’s Crackdown on Illegal Robocalls Initiative. 

Use this form to file a complaint when you receive illegal robocalls. The data collected will help us in the fight against illegal robocalls. 

If you have questions about filing a complaint or the AG Robocall Crackdown Initiative, please call 877-765-8388.