FTE and Fiduciary IIT
Frequently Asked Questions
What documentation should an estate or trust claiming an FTE tax credit on its Michigan Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form MI-1041) include with the return for support?
What documentation should an estate or trust, claiming a Michigan flow-through entity (FTE) tax credit on its Michigan Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form MI-1041), include with the return as supporting documentation?
How does a resident estate or trust compute a Michigan Flow-Through Entity (FTE) tax credit?
How does a resident estate or trust, on its Michigan tax return, report the adjustment for its share of a refund of Michigan flow-through entity (FTE) tax?
How does a nonresident estate or trust compute a Michigan Flow-Through Entity (FTE) tax credit?
Are there any adjustments that a nonresident estate or trust must make on its Michigan tax return for Michigan flow-through entity (FTE) tax deducted on the electing flow-through entity’s federal tax return?
If an electing flow-through entity files a Michigan Composite Individual Income Tax Return (Form 807) on behalf of an estate or trust (i.e., that estate or trust is a participant), can that estate or trust also claim the Michigan flow-through entity (FTE) tax credit, generated by that same flow-through entity, on a Michigan Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form MI-1041)?
If an estate or trust is the direct or indirect member of a flow-through entity that has elected to pay the Michigan flow-through entity (FTE) tax, does the estate or trust have a reporting requirement to its beneficiaries?