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Can I e-file my Michigan individual income tax return (and/or City of Detroit) return separately from my federal return?

Yes. State Standalone e-file lets you submit your Michigan individual income tax return separately from your federal return. You can even e-file your homestead property tax credit claim, home heating credit claim and/or City of Detroit return separately. If you e-file your Michigan tax return alone, be sure to calculate your federal return before completing and e-filing your Michigan return.

You may want to choose State and/or City of Detroit Standalone e-file if you:

  • Already paper filed your federal return.
  • Are not required to file a federal return.
  • Only need to file a Michigan homestead property tax credit claim and/or home heating credit claim.
  • Have different City of Detroit residency status than your spouse and must file separate returns.

If you have already filed your federal return, and now want to e-file your Michigan return, do not e-file another copy of the federal return. Doing so will result in a rejection from the Internal Revenue Service, and Michigan will not receive your State return information. You must use State Standalone to e-file your State return.