Account Services
Using "Account Services", when you create an account, you are only required to answer the verification questions one time for each tax year.
Once you have created a MILogin account, you may use the same username and password for other state agency access. (Secretary of State, Unemployment/UIA)
You have access to:
- My Return Status/Where's My Refund
- My Estimated Tax Payments
- My Address
- My Letters
- My Response to Letters
- My Requests
- You have the option to ask a question by choosing "Create a service request"
- You must provide a valid email address to submit a question
Note: If you are unable to authenticate using your current tax year information, select the previous tax year for authentication. When you submit your question, explain that you selected a previous tax year for authentication. Include the adjusted gross income and tax year for which you are inquiring.
For more information and tutorials, visit the eServices Help Center