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2017 Retirement & Pension Estimator

Pension information for Other Years:  2021 2020 20202019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014  |

2017 Retirement & Pension Benefits Chart

Note: For joint filers, the age of the oldest spouse determines the age category

2017 Pension Deduction Estimator
Deductions for Retirement Benefits:
Military retirement benefits due to service in the U.S. Armed Forces or Michigan National Guard or taxable railroad retirement benefits included in AGI.
Your Results:

If you make additional changes after clicking on the submit button, you must click on the submit button again for changes to take effect

Please remember to a copy of this screen once your estimation is complete. Keep this copy with your tax records/documentation for the appropriate year.

This estimator provides an unofficial estimate and has no legal bearing on any future tax liability. Interactive estimators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use.

NOTE: The information you provide is anonymous and will only be used for purposes of this estimation. It will not be shared, stored or used in any other way, nor can it be used to identify the individual who enters it. It will be discarded when you exit this program.