Participating Manufacturers
Master Settlement Agreement Resources - Participating Manufacturers List
Non-Participating Manufacturers
Escrow Deposits made by Non-Participating Manufacturers as required by PA 244 of 1999, as amended, are due on:
- April 30th
- July 31st
- October 31st
- January 31st.
Quarterly Certification of Compliance (form 3762), and Quarterly Statement of Deposit (form 5465), are due each year on:
- May 15th
- August 15th
- November 15th
- February 15th
Annual Certification of Compliance (form 5531) and the Annual Reconciliation of Escrow Deposit (form 5532) are due on or before:
- April 30th.
Equity assessment prepayments from Non-Participating Manufacturers as required by PA 327 of 1993, as amended, are due each year by*:
- March 1st
* also required before a new non-participating manufacturer commences selling cigarettes or roll-your-own tobacco in Michigan.
For more information, view PA 285 of 2003.
NPM Brand Code List - Updated 05/01/22
NPM Directory - Updated 05/01/22
Equity Assessment Prepayment Requirement
Judgments against manufacturers that do not participate in the Master Settlement Agreement