Frequently Asked Questions About Tobacco Tax
Tobacco tax is a tax imposed upon the consumer of tobacco products at the time of purchase. The Michigan Tobacco Products Tax Act PA 327 of 1993 as amended sets specific requirements for licensing, stamping, collecting and remitting the tobacco taxes. The Act provides civil and criminal penalties for violations of the Tobacco Tax Act.
General Information
Who is required to file a tobacco tax return?
What is the Tobacco Tax Rate?
Are Blunts subject to tobacco tax
May I sell cigarettes and/or tobacco products from behind the counter of a bar, restaurant or hotel?
Licensing Information
How do I get an application?
What are the dates of the license year?
How do I get a renewal application?
Do I need a State of Michigan tobacco tax license to sell cigarettes in my bar, bowling alley, or store (i.e., convenience store, grocery store or party store?
How do I find out who is a wholesaler licensed with the State of Michigan?
I have a vending machine that dispenses tobacco products. Do I need to have a license to sell tobacco products?
Is there a limit to the number of vending machines that I may have under one license?
Return and Payment Information
When are the tax returns due?
Is the reporting of total ounces mandatory on the tobacco taxes return?
Is the reporting brand information required for Participating Manufacturer Tobacco Products?
Contact Information
How do I contact the Tobacco Tax Unit?
You may contact the Tobacco Tax Unit by:
- Phone: 517-636-4630
- Fax: 517-636-4631
- Mail:
Tobacco Unit,
Michigan Department of Treasury,
P.O. Box 30791,
Lansing, MI 48909-7974
- E-mail: