Logon Instructions
MiMATS - Logon Instructions
Create a Logon
To create a logon from the home page, click Create a Logon.
- Fill out the required fields and click Next.
- Review your Registration Summary and click Submit.
Logging into e-Services
- Enter the Username and Password you provided in Step 1 above. Click Log In.
- You will be asked for an authentication code the first time you attempt to log in. Click Send Authentication Email. An authentication code will be emailed to you.
- Enter the Authentication Code; you may click Yes if you want to save your browser as a Trusted Browser. Click Log In.
Requesting Access to Your Account
Owner, Officer, Member or Partner
If you would like to gain access to the account as an owner, officer, member, or partner, follow the steps below. You will need your driver’s license or photo identification number, birth date and social security number to register.
- Once you have created your logon and are logged in, click Access an Existing Account under “I Want To”.
- Enter the ID of the business or individual you are attempting to gain access to. Click Next.
- Check I am an Owner / Officer / Claimant. Click Next.
- Answer No to the question “Are you attempting to gain access to a business or individual to pay a tobacco enforcement assessment?”
- Answer the Verification questions. Click Next.
- Review your Access Request Summary and click Submit.
- Re-enter your password. Click OK.
- If validated, you will now have access to your account. If unable to validate, your request will be reviewed.
Third Party or Employee
If you would like to gain access to the account as a third party or employee, follow the steps below:
- Once you have created your logon and are logged in, click Access an Existing Account under “I Want To”.
- Enter the ID of the business or individual you are attempting to gain access to. Click Next.
- Check I am a Third Party / Employee. Click Next.
- Answer No to the question “Are you attempting to gain access to a business or individual to pay a tobacco enforcement assessment?”
- Proceed with either Step 5 or Step 6
- If you wish to request access from an owner/officer/member, follow the steps below:
- Click Request Access from Owner. Click Next.
- Review your Access Request Summary and click Submit.
- The owner/officer of the business you are requesting access to will need to review your request before you gain access to the account.
- If you would like to submit a Power of Attorney, follow the steps below:
- Click Attach Power of Attorney Form. Click Add.
- Enter a description of the document.
- Browse and attach a current Power of Attorney document. Click Save.
- Click Next.
- Review your Access to Existing Account Summary and click Submit.
Note: The Michigan Department of Treasury will review your request before access is granted. Once access is approved you will receive an email notification to log into MiMATS.
If you have questions, contact the Motor Fuel Tax Unit at 517-636-4600. Please note that these instructions are subject to change as the system is updated.