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Property Tax

What property tax category are you looking for?

Personal Property Tax

Information for taxpayers and assessors including forms, exemptions and the Essential Services Assessment.

Personal Property Tax

Property Tax Deferment

Programs that allow qualified property owners to postpone payment of taxes or special assessments.

Property Tax Deferment

Forfeiture and Foreclosure

Information regarding the real property tax forfeiture, foreclosure and auction process in Michigan can be found here.

Forfeiture and Foreclosure

Property Tax Exemptions

Exemptions to provide eligible taxpayers with a variety of property tax savings.

Property Tax Exemptions

Homestead Property Tax Credit

An income tax credit for qualified homeowners or renters who pay property taxes.

Homestead Property Tax Credit

Classification Appeals

Information regarding appealing your classification can be found here.

Classification Appeals

Changes in Ownership Issues

If you are selling, transferring or buying property or changing the deed or title for an existing property that you own, multiple laws impact the taxes on these transactions.

Changes in Ownership Issues

State Assessment

Information regarding filing State Assessed Property reports online and other related material for telephone companies, railroads and railroad car loaning companies.

State Assessment

State Education Tax

The State Education Tax Act (SET) requires that property be assessed at 6 mills as part of summer property tax. Follow this link for information regarding the collection of SET.

State Education Tax

Veterans and Military Personnel

Property tax exemptions, credits and information for veterans and active-duty military personnel.

Veterans and Military Personnel

Omitted or Incorrectly Reported Property (154 Petitions)

To find out more information on 154 Petitions, omitted or incorrectly reported property.

Omitted or Incorrectly Reported Property (154 Petitions)

State Equalization Online Filing

The property assessment system is the basis for the collection of property taxes in Michigan.
