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Nonduty Pre-Retirement Survivor Pension

Your family may be eligible for a nonduty survivor pension if you were a deferred member or active member with 10 or more years of service (YOS), and you die before you are eligible to receive a pension.

If you die as an active member, eligibility for survivor benefits starts the first day of the month following your death.

If you die as a deferred member, the benefit is payable the first of the month following the date you would have reached age 50.

Eligible recipients — active member at death

  • If you are married, your surviving spouse will receive full nonduty survivor benefits until their death.
  • If you do not have a surviving spouse, or your surviving spouse dies, your children under age 18 will receive the full survivor benefit divided equally between them. The survivor benefit will stop on their 18th birthdays and be divided equally between any other children under age 18. This recalculation continues until the youngest reaches age 18.
  • If you have no dependents, your estate will receive any personal contributions plus interest you may have on account.

Eligible recipients — deferred member at death

  • If you are married, your surviving spouse will receive full nonduty survivor benefits beginning the first of the month following the date you would have reached age 50 until their death. No additional benefits are payable to minor children or dependents.
  • If you do not have a surviving spouse, your estate will receive any personal contributions, plus interest, you may have on account.


A nonduty survivor benefit is 2.4% of your final average compensation multiplied by the number of YOS credit you have accumulated.


Your surviving spouse or dependent children cannot receive a nonduty survivor benefit if any other benefits are paid under Public Act 182 of 1986.

To apply

Your survivor should contact the Michigan Office of Retirement Services as soon as possible in the event of your death. We will review your account and determine what benefits, if any, are payable, and to whom.

If a benefit is payable, the appropriate person(s) will be notified and mailed the proper forms to complete.