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Licensed Child Care Providers
Licensed Child Care Providers
The Child Care Licensing Bureau issues licenses to Family Child Care Homes, Group Child Care Homes, and Child Care Centers. If you are a licensed child care provider, or want to become one, these resources can help:
Application and Renewal Resources
Get licensed as a Family or Group Child Care Home
Family and Group Home Child Care Home Application Renewal Information
Get Licensed as a Child Care Center
Child Care Center Application Renewal Information
For more application and renewal resources, visit the Child Care Licensing and Application Renewal page.
Regardless of the type, all licensed child care providers must read the licensing rules, which can be found on the Rules and Statutes page and 1973 PA 116, before submitting an application.
To learn more about becoming licensed as a child care center, group child care home or family child care home, call the Child Care Licensing Bureau toll free at 1-866-685-0006 or visit the Child Care Licensing Bureau site.
Child Care Emergency Preparedness Plan
Michigan Statewide Child Care Emergency Preparedness Plan & Response Plan
- Appendix A – Michigan Emergency Management Plan
- Appendix B - Emergency Operations Plan Template MSP EMHSD Local Jurisdiction
- Appendix C – Licensing Rules for Family and Group Child Care Homes
- Appendix D - Temporary Operations
- Appendix E - Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers
- Appendix F - MSP Family Preparedness Guide
Criminal Background Check Requirements for Licensed Child Care Facilities
Becoming a licensed child care facility requires a background check. This section explains more about the background check process. The process for another state to obtain Michigan's registry checks is also detailed in this section.
Criminal Background Check Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Child Care Background Check?
A child care background check is a both a fingerprint-based and name-based check that will cover the following:
- Michigan State Police (MSP) fingerprint-based check of criminal history.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprint-based check of criminal history.
- National Crime Information Center's check of the National Sex Offender Registry (NCIC/NSOR).
- Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry (PSOR).
- Michigan Child Abuse & Neglect Central Registry Database Check.
- Review of the department's database for previous disciplinary action.
If a person lived outside of Michigan within the past 5 years, the following checks will also be conducted for each state or country the person has lived in during the past 5 years:
- State(s) Criminal History Check for any Non-National Fingerprint File (NFF) State.
- State(s) Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Check.
- National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW).
If a person lived in another country and is unable to obtain the equivalent background check components, the person must sign a self-certifying statement that he or she is not ineligible to receive a license, to be an adult member of the household, or to be a child care staff member.
Who is required to have a Child Care Background Check?
Child care background checks are completed on the following individuals:
- Applicants for a Child Care License
- Licensees (Family, Group and Center)
- Licensee Designees (Centers Only)
- Program Directors (Centers Only)
- Child Care Staff (Family, Group and Center), including a contract employee or a self-employed individual.
- Adult Member of Household (Family and Group)
- Volunteers with Unsupervised Access to children in care (Family, Group and Center)
- An individual who has unsupervised access to children who are cared for or supervised by a family child care home, group child care home, or child care center. (Family, Group, and Center)
An adult member of the household shall not move into the home of a licensed child care provider until they have completed a child care background check and been found eligible by the department.
What Would Make Someone Ineligible to be Connected to a Licensed Child Care?
There are multiple instances where a person may be found ineligible to be a licensed child care provider. These instances are listed in MCL 116 722.115r.
How much does a Child Care Background Check Cost?
A child care background check costs $65.00 if the person has not lived outside of Michigan in the past 5 years. All fingerprinting must be scheduled and processed through the Child Care Background Check System using the State approved fingerprinting vendor, Idemia. The department does not charge for the processing of child care fingerprints.
If a person has lived outside of Michigan within the past 5 years, additional out of state background checks are required. The department will mail instructions to the applicant related to any additional forms and fees that must be submitted. The instructions must be followed, and all forms and fees requested must be submitted as instructed. The department does not pay for the processing of these additional background checks. The additional forms and fees needed to obtain information from other states must be submitted by the applicant in order to be found eligible.
Who Pays for the Child Care Background Check?
The applicant or the licensee pays for the background check.
Occasionally, the department may receive funds to assist with the cost of fingerprinting. When the department obtains funding, the department provides licensees with coupons to cover the cost of fingerprinting.
What is the Process for Completing a Child Care Background Check?
The licensee is responsible for entering all information into the Child Care Background Check (CCBC) System to begin the background check process. Each person who is put into the CCBC System must complete the Consent and Disclosure form, and provide all necessary information, forms, and fees necessary to complete the comprehensive background check. The steps of the process are outlined in the Child Care Background Check Process document.
What should I do If I Have a Person Residing in My Home That Cannot Leave the Home to be Fingerprinted?
Sometimes a person may be physically unable to leave the home. If you have someone such as an adult household member who is unable to leave the home, please contact your licensing consultant to request someone to come into the home to fingerprint them.
What is the Process for Another State to Obtain Michigan's Registry Checks?
Contact these agencies to start a background check.
Begin a Michigan criminal history check by visiting The Michigan State Police (MSP) Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) website. Appeals or requests for correction to a MSP Criminal History record must be addressed with MSP.
Michigan State Police
7150 Harris Drive
Dimondale, MI 48821
517-322-2521Email: Visit ICHAT and click on "Contact Us" in the top menu bar.
Website: ICHAT
Fees: $10 per search
Is Michigan a National Fingerprint File (NFF) state? No. Pending NFF 2021.
Is Michigan a National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact State? Yes.
Visit Michigan's Public Sex Offender Registry (PSOR) to begin a search. Appeals or requests for correction to a MSP PSOR placement must be addressed with Michigan State Police.
Michigan State Police
7150 Harris Drive
Dimondale, MI 48821
517-241-1806Website: MSP - PSOR
Fees: None
Out-of-state entities requesting Central Registry clearances for the reasons outlined in Section IV. Other Out-of-State Entities must complete a Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929 (Word doc) form and send by mail or fax. A response will be sent within ten working days.
Appeals or requests for correction or expunction to placement on a Michigan child abuse and neglect registry must be addressed with Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Directions for how to appeal can be found on the MDHHS - Central Registry page.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Children's Protective Services Program
P.O. Box 30037
235 South Grand Ave., Suite 510
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Phone: 517-335-3704
Fax: 517-763-0280Website: MDHHS - Central Registry Clearance Requests
Forms: Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929
Fees: None