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License Exempt Providers
License Exempt Providers
License Exempt Providers
License Exempt- Related
- Provider is related to the child by blood, marriage, or adoption as a:
- Sibling (not living with the child)
- Aunt or Great Aunt
- Uncle or Great Uncle
- Grandparent or Great Grandparent
- Provider and all household members (people 18 years or older who live with the provider) must pass a criminal history background check.
- Provider must complete a one-time License Exempt Provider Preservice Training (LEPPT) formerly known as Great Start to Quality Orientation (GSQO).
- Provider must complete Michigan Ongoing Health & Safety Training Refresher prior to enrollment; if previously been enrolled as a License Exempt Provider and completed LEPPT.
License Exempt- Unrelated
- Provider is not related to the child (as listed for related).
- Provider must provide care in the child’s home.
- Provider must pass a comprehensive background check that includes an FBI fingerprint. The provider is responsible for the cost of the background check.
- Provider must participate in an annual health and safety visit.
- Provider must complete a one-time License Exempt Provider Preservice Training (LEPPT) formerly known as Great Start to Quality Orientation (GSQO).
- Provider must complete Michigan Ongoing Health & Safety Training Refresher prior to enrollment; if previously been enrolled as a License Exempt Provider and completed LEPPT.
Child Care Emergency Preparedness Plan
Michigan Statewide Child Care Emergency Preparedness Plan & Response Plan
- Appendix A – Michigan Emergency Management Plan
- Appendix B - Emergency Operations Plan Template MSP EMHSD Local Jurisdiction
- Appendix C - Licensing Rules for Family and Group Child Care Homes
- Appendix D - Temporary Operations
- Appendix E -Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers
- Appendix F - MSP Family Preparedness Guide
License Exempt Provider Application Process
Step 1: Application
Submit completed application.
Note: Failure to provide a complete application will result in a denial. -
Step 2: Complete Training
It is recommended that you register and complete the training while you wait for your Eligibility Interview. To register for this training, visit or call 877-614-7328 or contact the resource center in your area.
- New applicants: Preservice Training: Training must be completed within 30 days of providing care to be eligible for payment. All license exempt-related and unrelated child care providers are required to take a one-time License Exempt Provider Preservice Training (LEPPT), formerly known as Great Start to Quality Orientation (GSQO).
- Previously enrolled license exempt providers: If you have taken GSQO or LEPPT, you will need to complete the Michigan Ongoing Health & Safety Training Refresher before we can complete the enrollment process. Failing to complete this training by the time of an eligibility decision will result in a denial of your application.
Step 3: Eligibility Interview
- The CDC office will contact you for a mandatory phone interview at the phone number listed on the application. Please be sure to have your driver’s license/ state identification number, date of birth and social security number ready to verify with CDC staff during the call for yourself and adult household members if you are applying to be a License Exempt- Related provider. It is important that your voicemail is set up, is not full, and that you regularly check your messages in case we've tried to reach you. Interviews typically happen within 30-60 days after receipt of the application. Caller ID will show an “outgoing line” that cannot be called back please listen to your voicemail for a detailed message that includes a contact number. If we are not able to reach you by phone and our call is not returned your application will be denied.
Step 4: Background Check Process
Applicant and household member information for background checks will be completed in the following manner:
- License Exempt-Related applicants: Background checks will be done on the applicant and all adult household members using Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT), Public Sex Offender Registry (PSOR), Offender Information Tracking System (OTIS), and the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry.
- License Exempt-Unrelated applicants: Background checks will be done on the applicant using Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT), Public Sex Offender Registry (PSOR), Offender Information Tracking System (OTIS), and the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry. In addition to the checks mentioned above, License Exempt-Unrelated applicants will also need a comprehensive FBI fingerprint check. We will contact you by phone and/or email with fingerprint instructions.
Step 5: Eligibility Decision
You will receive the Eligibility Decision Notice in the mail, which will include your provider ID number. Enrollment is not complete until an eligibility decision is made.
- Approved Provider: Approved providers will receive an email with additional information on next steps along with approval notice in the mail with Provider ID. Once all eligibility criteria have been met, including the LEPPT training, a child care provider may be eligible to bill retroactively (back-bill) for care provided up to 30 calendar days before he or she completed the training. A provider is not eligible for payment prior to the provider’s application date.
- Denial of a License Exempt Related/Unrelated Provider Application Due to Background Check: If your License Exempt provider application is denied due to the background check you will be notified by mail of the denial and if the match is due to criminal conviction or pending charge and you are eligible for an Administrative Review, instructions will be included.
- Denial of a License Exempt Unrelated Provider Application Due to Fingerprint Check: If your License Exempt-Unrelated provider application is denied due to the results of the fingerprint check and you believe that the results are in error, you may file a redetermination request with the Child Care Background Check (CCBC) program.