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Recognition of Prior Basic Training & Experience Program

A limited group of individuals who were previously a licensed law enforcement officer in Michigan, another state, or a Michigan pre-service candidate can seek eligibility for Michigan Law Enforcement Licensure or additional years of eligibility through the Recognition of Prior Basic Training and Experience (RPTE) program.

Prior Experience/Basic Training Requirements

Select the following category that best fits your law enforcement experience or training for more information regarding requirements to qualify for the RPTE program.

Michigan Pre-Service Graduate with no Law Enforcement Experience

Previously licensed as a Michigan Law Enforcement Officer

Licensed Out-of-State as a Law Enforcement Officer

Michigan Indian Tribal Law Enforcement Officer

To Apply

To apply, print out the Application and Instruction Packet. The Application can be filled out online and then printed.

A complete application packet consists of the following:

Recognition of Prior Basic Training and Experience Application

This form must be completed down through the signature line. If a section of the application does not pertain to you enter "N/A" in the box provided.

Candidate's Personal History Statement and Affidavit (PHSA)

This form must be completed through the signature line and notarized. If a section of the application does not pertain to you enter "N/A" in the box provided.

The PHSA must be downloaded and completed on a computer. Handwritten PHSA will no longer be accepted. To use the form electronically, the user must download the PHSA from our website and open it in Adobe. If you do not have adobe, you can download a free version of Adobe Reader by going to our website at Forms & Applications.

Livescan Fingerprint Background Check Request Form

MCOLES Waiver & Authorization for Release of Information

Fingerprint Processing

All applicants MUST be fingerprinted as part of the application process to the Recognition of Prior Basic Training and Experience (RPTE) program. Failure to be properly fingerprinted will result in a denial of your application to the RPTE program. ALL RPTE program applicants shall have a fingerprint based criminal history search completed. Please see the application packet instructions for further detail on how to be properly fingerprinted for the RPTE program.

Verification of Training and Licensing

All out-of-state and tribal applicants must provide verification of successful completion of basic police training and status as a certified or licensed law enforcement officer with at least 2080 hours of certified or licensed employment as a law enforcement officer. This verification must be official written confirmation from the appropriate state standards-setting agency (POST Agency) in the applicant's respective state or the Bureau of Indian Affairs. A copy of a training certificate will not fulfill this requirement.

Previously Michigan certified officers and pre-service candidates do not need to supply this information; MCOLES has this on file.

Verification of Employment

All applicants must provide written documentation from every agency that employed them as a licensed/certified law enforcement officer verifying their employment. This verification must be in the form of a letter, on the agency's letterhead, indicating the exact dates of employment, whether employed full-time or part-time, and the capacity in which the applicant was employed (see example in application packet). The verification letter must be emailed directly from the agency to Please see the RPTE application packet for further instructions on employment verification. Applications submitted without employment verification will not be processed.

Application Fee

Please see the RPTE application packet for fee information.

All applicants for the RPTE program are required to complete and submit an application to:

Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards
927 Centennial Way
Lansing, MI 48909

The completed original Application must be received and approved by the Commission no later than two (2) weeks prior to the start of the program or examination date. Application packets must be on original forms.

The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Act (Public Act 203 of 1965) requires the candidate to meet specific medical and non-medical standards. Upon submittal of a completed RPTE application packet MCOLES will conduct a thorough review of the RPTE applicant's qualifications before making a determination regarding RPTE program enrollment eligibility. Approval to enroll in the RPTE program is not guaranteed.  A Medical exam to confirm the medical standards compliance will be facilitated by the licensing law enforcement agency once employment is secured.   

Upon completion of the review, the Commission will notify the applicant, in writing, if approval was granted. Once the notification has been received, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the facility that is providing the program or test they desire to attend. A facility list and schedule will be forwarded with the approval letter.

RPTE Program Enrollment

The RPTE program is currently offered through Kirtland Community College and Macomb Emergency Services Training Center. These authorized testing sites charge a fee for this program. Below are the links to the RPTE schedule, RPTE program/testing fees and maps to both testing sites:

Each candidate is required to demonstrate competency by passing Commission administered tests. The tests consist of a firearms proficiency exam and Michigan's written law enforcement licensing examination. 

All RPTE program candidates are required to qualify with a patrol rifle, in addition to the handgun and shotgun assessments.  See the MCOLES Mandatory Basic Training Firearms Assessment.

The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) has received an appropriation to assist out-of-state law enforcement officers licensed or certified in their state with the costs associated with attending the MCOLES Recognition of Prior Training and Experience program.  This program is to gain eligibility to be hired and licensed as a law enforcement officer in Michigan.  To be eligible officers must be currently licensed/certified in their state or have separated from employment as a licensed/certified officer no earlier than July 2022. To learn more information, see MCOLES Licensing Fees.

Please contact the Career Development Section by E-mail at or 517-636-7864 if you have questions or need further assistance.