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Submit Law Enforcement Job Vacancies

January 23, 2025

Dear Law Enforcement Community,

To streamline job postings and handle the increasing volume efficiently, MCOLES has updated its process, effective January 23, 2025. Agencies should follow the new guidelines provided in the attached document when submitting job listings for the MCOLES website. This ensures submissions include the detailed and recommended information needed.

Please note: MCOLES is unable to specify a closing date for any job position labeled as “until filled.” The maximum duration allowed is 6 months from the opening date. Requiring a closing date ensures the position remains visible and available for as long as possible within the constraints of the website’s maintenance policy. If your position remains unfilled by the indicated closing date, please email MCOLES to assist in extending the closing date and refreshing the job posting as needed.

Please submit your completed job posting as a Microsoft Word or PDF document to

We appreciate your cooperation and support in this transition. This new process will enable faster processing and improve transparency, providing clearer, more accessible information for potential applicants.