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PA 166 of 2022 Public Safety Grant Programs

A State of Michigan budget supplemental act has provided for six new grant programs to be administered by MCOLES.  Each of the six are one-time appropriations for projects that will run through the end of the State fiscal year 2026, or until funds for each program are exhausted, whichever comes first.  The funding totals $58,700,000 for the below programs.  Three are general fund appropriations, and three are funded through the American Rescue Plan (ARP)/COVID appropriations to Michigan.

Applications for the Public Safety Academy Assistance grants are now open. Follow the link under that program for details and the application form.  The remaining five grant programs are currently under development, and more information and applications will be available from this page as they are implemented.

As of January 21, 2025, MCOLES has received 217 applications from 105 agencies, totaling $4,286,369.04 in requested funds.  At this time, $5,713,630.96 is remaining in available grant funding.

PA 166 of 2022 Public Safety Grant Programs

Community Policing Competitive Grants Icon


These grants will be to law enforcement agencies for community policing programs that develop collaborative partnerships between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. To be eligible for funding the grants must include the following:

  • Implementation of a research-based model or program.
  • Prioritization of community input to build trust, relationships, and positive outcomes.
  • Support of a broader community or multi-agency strategy to solve problems.
  • Promotion of youth engagement activities.
  • Engagement in partnerships with community-based organizations, local governments, or research institutions.

Per the statute, prioritization would be to agencies with demonstrated support or established partnerships with the communities they serve.  Funds may not be used to hire law enforcement personnel.  Implementation of this program will include working with academic institutions and law enforcement agencies to determine and/or develop eligible research-based models.

Community Policing Grants Icon


These grants are for community policing and engagement strategies in three select cities.  Two of these are for violence prevention programs, and one for a program that builds positive relationships between law enforcement and the community.  Programs have been identified as the following:

  • Detroit - $500,000 towards the non-profit FORCE (Faithfully Organizing Resources for Community Empowerment) Detroit, which seeks to develop solutions to gun violence with a primary focus on Community Violence Intervention.
  • Genesee County - $3,000,000 to develop a program based on the GIVE (Gun Involved Violence Elimination) Initiative, which focuses on the four core elements of People, Places, Alignment, and Engagement.
  • Saginaw - $1,000,000 towards Bridge the Gap, which “provides safe, fun, and family-friendly opportunities to strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the community.”
MCOLES Licensing Fees Icon


The goal of this program is an incentive to pay for the licensing costs for out-of-state law enforcement officers relocating to Michigan for employment with a local law enforcement agency.  Implementation of this program will include a review of current requirements for out-of-state officers to be licensed in Michigan, advertisement of the program, and developing a model to be used for payment or reimbursement.

MCOLES Licensing Fees
Narcotics Teams Task Force Training and Equipment Icon


These grants will be to joint narcotics teams and task forces for training and equipment.  Implementation of this program will include empaneling subject matter experts (SMEs) for initial review of relevant training topics and equipment needed by narcotics teams.
Police Athletic Leagues Icon


These grants will support the existing Police Athletic League (PAL) in Detroit, and will expand the PAL program into the Grand Rapids and Flint areas.  The program aims to aid the prevention of juvenile crime and violence by providing mentorship, service, athletics, recreational enrichment, and educational opportunities.  Discussions are underway with Detroit PAL program staff and intended area agencies on the scope of the programs and how to implement the expansion.
Public Safety Academy Assistance Program Icon


This program is for basic law enforcement training academy costs and recruit salaries for individuals employed by a law enforcement agency and enrolled in an academy session.  It provides for up to $24,000 per recruit for academy costs and salary while attending the academy.  Funding for an employed recruit is on a first-come, first-served basis and a single agency may receive funding for up to 25 recruits.

MCOLES Public Safety Academy Assistance Program