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Annual Financial Statements

Medical marijuana and adult-use licensees must file a financial statement every three years, or a shorter time-period as determined by the CRA.  See Rule 20 of the Marijuana Licenses rule set – R 420.20 and/or Section 701 of the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act.

The financial statement is referred to as the Annual Financial Statement (AFS), the requirements of which are released every fiscal year (FY).

The chart below depicts the due date, reporting period, and fiscal report 3-year cycle to which licensees will be assigned, unless otherwise required by the CRA:


A licensee may verify its next AFS due date by utilizing the instructions in this resource.

A licensee assigned to file a FY24 AFS must submit a completed FY24 AFS report and the FY24 AFS Contact Authorization Form to CRA online through the Accela Citizens Access Portal (ACA).

A licensee assigned to file a FY25 AFS must submit a completed FY25 AFS report and the FY25 AFS Contact Authorization Form to CRA online through the Accela Citizens Access Portal (ACA).

AFS Submission Instructions for FY24 and FY25 can be accessed here.

Prior FY AFS Reports, Information & Forms