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Michigan's Marijuana Industry Exclusion List

Michigan’s marijuana industry exclusion lists — both voluntary and involuntary — are available and include individuals excluded from participating in the licensed marijuana industry in Michigan.

Individuals may be excluded from employment at, or participation in, a marijuana business and added to the involuntary exclusion list pursuant to the administrative rules. Individuals may voluntarily exclude themselves from employment at, or participating in a marijuana business, by signing a Consent Order and Stipulation (COS) to resolve disciplinary action the CRA has initiated against them.

Licensees must screen prospective employees, supplemental applicants, and owners against the exclusion lists as they are prohibited from employing excluded individuals or allowing them to be supplemental applicants on a license.


Voluntary Exclusion List

The following is a list of individuals who voluntarily excluded themselves from employment at, or participation in, a marijuana business, by signing a COS:

Pharmaco excluded individuals:

Klean Herbal Solutions, LLC dba Stash Detroit excluded individuals:

Candid Labs, LLC excluded individuals:

Clark Street Investment Group Inc. dba The Reef excluded individuals:

Hongrui Enterprises, Inc. excluded individuals:

Involuntary Exclusion List

The following is a list of individuals who were involuntarily excluded from employment at, or participation in, a marijuana business, via the process in administrative rule R 420.808a:

  • None