The Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, a formal agreement between member states that seeks to promote public safety by systematically controlling the interstate movement of certain adults.
At the discretion of the sending state, a person shall be eligible for transfer of supervision to a receiving state under the compact, and the receiving state shall accept transfer, if the person:
(a) has more than 90 calendar days or an indefinite period of supervision remaining at the time the sending state transmits the transfer request, and
(b) has a valid plan of supervision, and
(c) is in substantial compliance with the terms of supervision in the sending state, and
(d) is a resident of the receiving state, or
(1) has resident family in the receiving state who have indicated a willingness and ability to assist as specified in the plan of supervision, and
(2) can obtain employment in the receiving state or has means of support.
A sending state may request transfer of supervision of a person who does not meet the eligibility requirements above if:
(a) the sending state provides sufficient documentation to justify the requested transfer. (i.e. Valid Plan of Supervision), but, the receiving state shall have the discretion to accept or reject the transfer of supervision in a manner consistent with the purpose of the compact.
The state has 45 days to investigate the case for transfer of supervision, and the entire process will be completed electronically via the interstate compact tracking system.
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact the MDOC Interstate Office at the telephone number/address provided below.
MDOC Interstate Compact Office
P.O. Box 30003
Lansing, MI 48909
517-335-1370 telephone
517-241-5789 fax
Additional information is available at