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We create a safer Michigan by holding offenders accountable while promoting their success.


We will continue to be the leader in corrections by transforming lives through innovation and dedication.


INTEGRITY: Doing the right thing for the right reason.
TEAMWORK: Working together to get the job done.
LEADERSHIP: Inspiring others to accomplish the mission.
EXCELLENCE: Maintaining the highest standards in your professional and personal life.
RESPECT: Treating others as you would like to be treated.
LOYALTY: Demonstrating commitment and dedication to the organization and to each other.

Agency Purpose

All adults and juveniles sentenced as adults convicted of offenses for which the statutory maximum is more than one year can be sentenced to the state's prison system which is under the jurisdiction of the Michigan Department of Corrections.

Most convicted offenders are not, however, sent to prison. Instead, most are supervised locally through probation while others are given a sentence of up to one year in a county jail. Probation supervision is provided by the department and by various Circuit Courts. Qualified offenders may be sentenced to Specialized Alternative Incarceration - a re-entry program that enhances their chances of success in the community - as a condition of their probation.

Convicted offenders who have served time in prison can be, if eligible, paroled. Parole is a period of supervision in the community.

Pursuant to section 238 of PA 166 of 2022, the Michigan Department of Corrections posts this notice that it has adopted a hybrid policy that includes in-person, remote, and alternative work arrangements. The department or agency has the authority to assign and schedule its employees and determine their work location.  This policy also provides for work options contingent upon the operational needs of the department or agency.  Approval is at the discretion of the department or agency and can be changed or rescinded based upon operational needs.  The policy includes which positions may qualify for a work option, how to request one and the requirements necessary for approval.