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Organizational Structure

The Michigan Department of Corrections is one of the principal state departments. Final responsibility for operation of the department rests with the Governor who appoints the Director, with the advice and consent of the state Senate. The Director serves at the pleasure of the Governor. The Director has full power and authority in the supervision and control of the department's affairs and is its chief administrative officer. The Department Overview is available as a PDF Document by clicking on the link below:

Organizational Chart 


The Director is the chief administrative officer of the Department and is responsible for the overall operation of and strategic planning for the Department. The Director may appoint special assistants to oversee specialized areas within the Department. 

The Office of the Director includes the following:

The Office of Public Information and Communications, Legislative Affairs Section, Offender Success Administration and Office of Executive Affairs. 


CFA is headed by a Deputy Director who reports to the Director. The CFA Deputy Director is responsible for the operation of all correctional institutions operated by the Department and supervises the following:       

Assistant Deputy Directors, who are responsible for oversight of CFA institutions as determined by the CFA Deputy Director. Each CFA institution is administered by a Warden, who reports to an Assistant Deputy Director. The Warden is responsible for the overall operation of the institution. 

The Operations Division, which is responsible for providing programming support to CFA institutions. The ADD of the Operations Division serves as the Department's Emergency Response Team Administrator/Coordinator and Honor Guard Administrator/Coordinator. Included in the Division are the following: 

The Central Records Section, the Classification Section, the Emergency Management Section, the Transportation Section, the Performance Audit Specialist and the Special Activities Coordinator.

The Bureau of Health Care Services (BHCS) which is responsible for the coordination and monitoring of health care services for prisoners in Department correctional facilities. The BHCS Administrator supervises the following:

The Chief Medical Officer, The Chief Psychiatric Officer, Mental Health Services, Regional Health Administrators, The Health Information Compliance Coordinator, The Corrections Mental Health Program Rights Specialist and The Grievance and Complaints Section.


FOA is headed by a Deputy Director, who reports to the Director. The FOA Deputy Director is responsible for the management and operation of all facilities, services, and programs in FOA and for providing investigative support, information, and sentencing recommendations to the courts in criminal cases. The FOA Deputy Director supervises the following: 

Assistant Deputy Directors (ADD), who are responsible for oversight of field operations for parole and probation in geographic territories as determined by the FOA Deputy Director. ADDs are responsible for operations within their respective territories, including new program implementation and administration of adult felony probation services, and parole supervision. ADDs are also responsible for all staff assigned to their respective territories and for enforcement of applicable Department policies and procedures in their respective territories. 

The Office of Parole and Probation Services - which includes the Program Services Section, the Electronic Monitoring Center, and the Parole Services Section.

The Absconder Recovery Unit, which locates and arrests escapees and parole and probation violators.

The Parole Board - which is comprised of ten members appointed by the Director, one of whom is designated as the Chairperson. The Chairperson is responsible for the management and operation of the Board. The Chairperson also supervises the Office of the Parole Board.


BOA is headed by a Deputy Director, who reports to the Director. The BOA Deputy Director provides oversight of all Central Office staff support functions and provides internal organizational support to the Department's operational units. The BOA Deputy Director also provides Department oversight of all human resource services, including services related to equal employment opportunity and allegations of discriminatory harassment provided to Department staff by the Civil Service Commission. The Deputy Director supervises the following:

Fiscal Management monitors the fiscal operations of the Department to ensure compliance with policy, the Administrative Guide for State Government, and generally accepted accounting principles. Included in Fiscal Management are the Budget, Accounting and Projections Division, the Procurement, Monitoring and Compliance Division, and the Physical Plant Division. 

The Office of Legal Affairs. The Administrator of the Office is responsible for foreign nationals, legal matters, and the coordination of Department communications with the Department of Attorney General regarding litigation that affects the Department. Included in the Office are the Freedom of Information Act Section, the Grievance Section, the Litigation Section, the Policy Section, and the Rehearing Section.  

The Office of Research and Planning, which includes the Automated Data Systems Section. 

The Training Division, which is responsible for coordinating all new employee and in-service training for staff, including leadership and recruiting new employees and includes the Ordnance Unit. 

The Labor Relations Section, which is responsible for responding to staff grievances and unfair labor practice charges and representation of the Department at related conferences, hearings, arbitrations and contract disputes.

Michigan State Industries, which is responsible for the overall control, management and supervision of prison industry programs.