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June 22-25 2023: June Jubilee: A Celebration of Freedom

WHEREAS, the State of Michigan recognizes the importance of commemorating historic events that have shaped our nation’s progress toward equality, justice, and civil rights; and,

WHEREAS, on June 23, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. marched along Woodward Avenue in Detroit to advance jobs, justice, and freedom and for the first time delivered his famed "I Have a Dream" speech, inspiring Michiganders to join the fight against racial discrimination and injustice; and,

WHEREAS, June 23, 2023, marks 60 years since this important event in our nation’s history and reinforces the struggle for equality, freedom, and unity for all Americans; and,

WHEREAS, the Detroit Branch of the NAACP has been a tireless advocate for civil rights, justice, and equality, for over a century, playing a crucial role in promoting social justice and empowering marginalized communities; and,

WHEREAS, the Detroit Branch of the NAACP’s efforts to reaffirm the mission of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to create a just and inclusive society, where every individual is treated with dignity and respect is an admirable contribution to our state; and,

WHEREAS, it is imperative that we continue to work towards a more equitable and just Michigan and ensure the joys of liberty and justice for every resident of our state;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, and Garlin Gilchrist II, lieutenant governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim June 22 – June 25, 2023, as June Jubilee: A Celebration of Freedom in Michigan. We encourage all Michiganders to participate in events and activities that celebrate freedom, promote diversity, and advance social justice.