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November 2022: Family Court Awareness Month

WHEREAS, the purpose of Family Court Awareness Month is to increase awareness of the importance of a family court system that prioritizes child safety, recognizes the unique circumstances and needs of each child and family unit, and that makes decisions based on the best interests of each child; and,

WHEREAS, it is recognized that the family court system handles more than 50% of all Circuit Court Cases filed in MichiganAs such there is a need for a Court system that values continuity, permanency, and stability for each child and recognizes the need for a dedicated family court with judges and court professionals that prioritize the needs of the families and children of this State; and,

WHEREAS, we recognize that families have multiple needs and multiple cases to address those needs.  There is a need to ensure that each family has a judge who provides consistency and understands the family’s dynamics assigned to all cases involving the family; and

WHEREAS, we recognize the impacts of domestic abuse and how this dynamic presents within the family court system; and,

WHEREAS, we recognize importance of specialized education and training for Judges and professionals working within the family court system in the areas of domestic abuse, childhood trauma, substance abuse, mental health, and service availability; and,

WHEREAS, we must also educate judges and other family court professionals on the proper application of existing laws regarding families and children to ensure that the children's best interests are considered in every decision made by a Family Court; and,

WHEREAS, we must further educate judges and other family court professionals on the empirical data and research that is currently available; such research is a critical component to educating the decision makers regarding the best interests of children. This research includes The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study (CDC-Kaiser Permanente), Saunder's Study (U.S. Department of Justice), The Meier Study: Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Abuse Allegations, and the Santa Clara Law Study (Confronting the Challenge of High-Conflict Personality in Family Court); and,

WHEREAS, during Family Court Awareness Month, the state of Michigan seeks to educate the public and to continue to improve the family court system;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, do hereby proclaim November 2022 as Family Court Awareness Month in Michigan.