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Gov. Whitmer Signs Legislation to Remove Red Tape for Michigan Schools


May 22, 2023 



Gov. Whitmer Signs Legislation to Remove Red Tape for Michigan Schools



LANSING, Mich– Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation to reduce red tape for schools by removing the current requirement that the Michigan Department of Education assign letter grades and rankings to public schools. 



“Today’s legislation will eliminate burdensome requirements and allow schools to implement the best practices to help their students succeed,” said Governor Whitmer. “In the last few years, we have made record investments to expand opportunity for every student across the state. We have made the highest per-pupil investment in Michigan’s history– without raising taxes – closed the funding gap, and invested $250 million to upgrade school infrastructure. Let’s continue getting things done to support Michigan children and give them the phenomenal education that they deserve.”



"The time has come to repeal Michigan's A-F system for schools, a duplicative and ineffective measure that falls short of meeting federal standards,” said State Representative Matt Koleszar (D-Plymouth). “This legislation was rushed through in lame duck, with strong opposition from public educators, administrators, and school boards. I am proud to get another law off the books that never served to help our students."



House Bill 4166 would cut red tape by amending the Revised School Code to remove a redundant requirement that the Michigan Department of Education assign letter grades and rankings to public schools.



“Less is more with the repeal of the A-F system, which always tried to create the false impression that rating schools was easy,” said State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice.  “It isn’t. Schools are complex, and what educators do daily for children is as well. It distills poorly into a letter grade system. Coupled with the parent dashboard, the school index accountability system, which pre-dates the A-F system in the state, is more informative and complete, and has been approved by the U.S. Department of Education. I want to thank those in the state legislature and Governor Whitmer who have supported the repeal of A-F.”



“The A-F school grading system is a deeply unpopular initiative passed by a lame duck legislature and signed by a lame duck governor. Michiganders across the political spectrum are ready to see it end. The complexities of a school or district cannot be simplified down into a letter grade, and this reductive system serves no real purpose—and we already have a system in place that more accurately evaluates a school’s performance,” said David Hecker, President of AFT Michigan. “As a union of educators and staff, we’re glad to see Gov. Whitmer and this legislative majority making progress toward undoing the regressive policies of the Snyder administration.”


